Dinosaurs & Man

Dinosaurs & Man

Dinosaurs lived and died out millions of years before mankind came on the scene. Or did they? Find out more...

Ancient Tech

Ancient Tech

Egypt, Babylon, Peru and Mexico had technology that we've only recently rediscovered. Find out why.



Out Of Place ARTifacts are bones, tools or inscriptions that contradict the conventional history of evolutionary theory.

Introduction to S8int.com

S8int.com is a website that presents a unique collection of articles, artifacts, commentary, photographs, and creationist-oriented research from a literal, Bible-believing Christian perspective.

The website takes a biblical perspective on science without apology. The Bible tells us that God created the universe, the stars, the planets, the earth, every living creature (including dinosaurs), and man. Mankind was created in an advanced state, with advanced capabilities, building cities and creating complex metalwork from the earliest times.

There were giants in those days, but man sinned and grieved God, so God brought a great flood over all the earth, destroying the creation except for Noah, his family, and those creatures with him on the ark. God set a plan in motion to redeem mankind that culminated in His son dying on the cross for all men.

Charles Darwin's "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life," originally published in 1859, provided an intellectual platform for some to Disbelieve in God, although many of the great scientists of the pre-modern era were Bible-believing Christians.

Today, science is dominated by materialists who believe that the universe was self-creating and self-existing. While many believe that science is a dispassionate search for the truth by objective actors in far-flung laboratories and universities, it has become dominated by the materialist religion, which views all scientific data a priori as anti-God, anti-biblical, and anti-Christian.

These two world views, Christianity and Materialism, clash. In large part, the media and our centers of education, grade schools, and universities take the side of the Materialists, even though polls continue to show that most Americans continue to believe in God, and acceptance of evolution, especially without God, is low.

The internet can be a great equalizer in this battle for truth. A dedicated researcher will find that "true science," unencumbered by someone else's interpretation, artifacts, some unexplained or "out of place" (OOPArts), old journals, and ancient archaeology, to name a few areas, support the biblical view.

The website explores a few areas of interest, including the Great Flood, ancient man, civilizations, dinosaurs, and DNA.

To wit: nearly every ancient culture mentioned dragons in their history and depicted dragons in their art, which were remarkably consistent from culture to culture and features giant, dangerous, reptilian "monsters," fitting our modern knowledge of dinosaurs. The Bible refers to dinosaurs as dragons, which is what scientists called the first modern dinosaur discoveries in the 1800s.

The word dinosaur was not coined until the mid-1800s. No animal is more thoroughly described in the entire Bible than the dinosaur and possible sea monsters of Job 40 and 41. The apparent size of some ancient dinosaurs, and other creatures, including man, and the utilization and manipulation of huge blocks of stone supposedly by primitive people argues that mainstream science's story of origins is more "his-story" than history.

The material collected at S8int.com comes from a wide variety of sources with varying levels of credibility. Visitors are encouraged to use their own judgment when evaluating everything they see.

God bless,
Chris Parker

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Since 2002, Chris Parker has done the majority of the research and writing of articles for s8int.com. If this site has been an encouragement to you, please donate to support Chris's ongoing research. (S8int.com is not incorporated and your donations may not be tax deductible.)

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